08.05.2007 Organ hit-parade in Hamburg
The young organists desand on Hamburg culminated in an Organ hit-parade. The winnesr of the previous competitions Ekaterona Melnikova (Russia), Jean-Pierre Steijvers (the Netherlands), Istvan Matyas (Humgary) presented a programme under the name MUSIC TRIBUTE TO THE FREE HANSEATIC CITY OF HAMBURG.
The day before musicians of a number of countries fought for the right to continue contest in Kaliningrad. The results of the First round in Hamburg were announced as a kind of a prelude of the concert by the President of Hamburg Jury the wellknown musician, professor Wolfgang Zerer.
Seven young organists were admitted to the second round and would come to Kaliningrad in early September to participate in the rounds II and III. Thier names are:
Jens Amend (Germany)
Juri Choi (Korea)
Krzystof Karcz (Poland)
Eleni Keventsidou (Grees)
Maria Makarenko (Russia)
Guna Skrima (Latvia)
Yun Mi Woo (Korea)
Many important persons attended the concert and naturally many spoke of cultural and particularly musical ties between Russia and Germany, Kaliningrad and Hamburg. It was on that very day that Memorandum of cooperation of the two cities linked historically and activly developing thier connections at present was sighned by the Major of Kaliningrad Mr. Jury Savenko and Oberburgomeister of Hamburg Herr Ole von Boist.
Mikael Tariverdiev International organ competition the first round of wich for the second time takles place in the city on the Elba rated a special menthion in the Memorandum.
Mr. Jury Savenko in his address at the concert in St. Johannes Kirche Altona also mentioned the competition as an example of successeful international cooperation inthe fild of culture.
The concert was followed by reception on behalf of Mr. Sergey Ganzga, General Consul of Russia in Hamburg. The concert and the reception were attanded by prominent men of culture, representatives of diplomatic corps, representatives of Hamburg Senate, representatives of business of the two cities, Chamber of Trade and Industry of Russian Federation and the cities of Hamburg and Kaliningrad.